Cheers to 50 Years!
As a small business, we have nothing short of appreciation for the businesses and individuals who help us to prosper, challenge us, and give us opportunities to enhance our skills. One business, in particular, is RDO Equipment. Out of the nine years we have been a company, RDO has supported us and worked with us through six of them. With that, thank you to RDO Equipment for your continued and appreciated support, and cheers to 50 years!
Photo from RDO Equipment Co. |
If you’re unfamiliar with the dynasty that has become RDO Equipment, check out this video and thank the hard-working farmers, problem solvers, listeners, and community supporters while you’re at it. RDO employs nearly 2,500 people across 75 stores in nine states; and to think – it all started in Casselton, North Dakota in 1968.
Photo from RDO Equipment Co. |
As explained in their video, RDO has grown from a small town operation to a global presence. A characteristic that most small town operations strive for! From their marketing strategies, to their work ethic, to their local support, RDO sets the bar high and deserves a round of applause for the past 50 years.
Photo from RDO Equipment Co. |
Companies like RDO encourage companies like ours to push values, strive for quality, and enhance our customers’ success. RDO has “built a legacy” on the promise they’ve made; they’ve “fed, built, and supported our community,” and will continue to make an impact in their next 50 years. Congratulations on this impressive milestone, and thank you for setting a high, admirable standard for our community!
Written by: Rylee Wznick
Photos: RDO Equipment Co.
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