Greetings again, folks! I used to be the operator behind this blog, but now we have our brilliant PR Specialist Lilly, so I’ve taken a back-row seat. I was, however, selected to be our “Friday Feature” this week, so I pulled the super hero cape back out of my trunk, tied it on tightly, and started penning this blog about myself.
At Office Sign Company, I manage our Marketing Department, which encompasses a variety of random tasks associated with both local and e-commerce efforts. My days are often spent meeting clients, assisting with our product development, coming up with promotions and campaigns, and looking for new growth opportunities in Fargo and beyond. I’m blessed to have a team of employees who make my job even easier!
I started with OSC (the friendly acronym we use for this special place) at the age of 22, shortly after graduating from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. I studied Organizational Leadership and Communications in college, and still live within throwing distance from the business school where I got my Bachelor’s Degree. (Bear in mind, I’ve got a throwing arm like this guy…)