Here at OSC, we all operate some sort of computer, equipment or machinery. But some…well they’re a bit bigger than others. Our CNC router is definitely no joke to operate, but Engraving Supervisor, Stefan Robinson has it down to an art. Hear more from Stefan himself!
Name: Stefan Robinson
Position at OSC: Engraving Supervisor
Tell us a little bit more about what this entails? My main duty is operating a CNC router. I also utilize laser cutters, engravers, and a variety of shop tools to create and fabricate signs of all types.

Where did you get your degree from? North Dakota State University
How long have you been with OSC? It will be 2 years in March.
Favorite thing about your job at OSC? Making signs alongside of really great people. Being a signmaker is challenging and incredibly fun. My cohorts are unbelievably creative and hardworking which pushes me to better myself.
Favorite OSC tradition, event or work perk? Our annual company Redhawks game, even if it ends in copious amounts of sunburn.
Favorite thing about Fargo / Moorhead? I have always thought of the FM area as if it’s growing into a ‘big city’ but still has outlets to escape to a small town feel.
When I’m not at OSC you can find me….In the garage building hot rods, or towing the teardrop camper somewhere on the weekends.
Favorite place to travel to? Anywhere. Whether it’s a quick cruise out of town or a plane overseas, seeing how other people live or work is great inspiration.
Favorite restaurant in town? Romo’s Mexican Deli
Favorite sports team? As my Pops always jokes, “Anyone but the Cowboys.”
What advice would you give to younger people trying to get into your profession? Look at everything that has been done already, pick it apart, and make it better or make it different. Also, just have fun, don’t make fun a credo.