3 Ways Signage Can Boost Your Brand
The term “brand” has taken on a few different meanings. At first, a company’s brand was simply the physical aspect; their logo, slogan, signage and symbols. Nowadays, it has a less literal meaning. A company’s brand represents their reputation. When you think of a certain company, what do you associate with them? Whatever your perception may be, that view is a reflection of the way they have branded themselves. It’s the thought that comes to mind when you hear a company’s name and the qualities that separate that company from the rest.
So, how can Office Sign Company help you build your brand? Well, when it comes to the promise you offer to your customers, that branding is going to rely on the ways in which you differentiate yourself from others. As for the physical aspect of the brand, we have a few tricks up our sleeves to keep you relevant. Along with that, we do produce some rather dashing signage, if I do say so myself.
1. Maximizes Your Logo
Though we specialize in manufacturing interior office signage, we are not limited to that by any means. Depending on the sign, we have the capabilities to produce, install, or outsource the sign you want to represent your business. Send us your logo and we can pretty much put it anywhere, and we encourage that for your brand’s sake! We have a very knowledgeable team of individuals who know of the best materials, substrates, sizes, fonts, and colors to make your signage stand out. We are a local business who empowers local businesses; with that, we are more than willing to help you make those decisions.
Maybe you’re sponsoring an event and you’d like to spruce your booth up. Throw your logo on a banner, secure it with some zip ties and let the people come to you. We won’t take all of the credit, but we’ll help you look like the most official lemonade stand on the block.
Vinyl car wraps: the best marketing strategy since sliced bread. No, that didn’t make sense but at least you’re paying attention. Better examples are welcome. Regardless, we have the tools and crew necessary to provide you with this type of branding!
If you’re not sure about wrapping a car with your logo, you can always resort to decals, stickers, and magnets. You’d be surprised how much attention a little decal gets during 5:00 traffic in Fargo. Just put an order in, place your logo, and wait for your package to arrive!
2. Confirms Credibility
Having the proper signage not only decorates and advertises your space, but it confirms credibility. If you truly believe in your product or services, why not do your company and crew the justice of looking the part?
Going back to our experienced crew, we know the rules and regulations behind signage requirements. If your space contains signage that is ADA compliant with a consistent logo, you’ve already branded yourself better than the company down the street with Comic Sans font on cardstock. With the proper outdoor signage, directory signs, and even name badges, you’ve taken the initiative to ensure your company looks the part; and you have helped confirm that you are a credible source to your customers. In short, they will take you seriously. When they hear your name they will think of the ways in which you’ve branded yourself. And who knows, maybe that sleek signage out front might even come to mind.
3. Maintains Consistency
The last point ties it all together: be consistent in your design! If you go through us to put your logo everywhere, we can refer back to your previous orders to ensure consistency by using the same fonts, colors, templates, etcetera. That’s one of the benefits to being a smaller company – a detail-oriented staff.
By remaining consistent with your brand, more people will recognize it which in turn optimizes it! It also helps you deliver a clear message. Take the name and brand of Office Sign Company for example. We’ve branded ourselves to be community-based, involved in arts, and willing to go out of our way to produce your idea. And, we deliver a clear message. Bet you never questioned what the company “Office Sign Company” does, have you? We make signs! A brand delivers a clear message and confirms credibility as a company. Being consistent in that aspect furthermore aids your brand. Before you know it, you’ve built your brand; and a good one at that.
Like anything in business, your brand must be maintained, refined, and given the opportunity to grow. Luckily, your local signage company is here to make the physical aspect a breeze. As always, we welcome any and all questions, concerns, or suggestions! Follow our social sites below to keep up with behind-the-scenes clips, new products, and employee spotlights. Until next week – cheers!
Written by: Rylee Wznick
Contact at: rylee@officesigncompany.com
Follow me on Twitter!: @RyleeFromOSC