What is TEDxFargo?
In case you haven’t heard of TEDxFargo, it is quite possibly the best local event of the year. Originating from the TED conferences, TEDx events are independently organized in order to reach as many audiences as possible. The whole purpose of TEDx events are to bring people together and share ideas, in the hopes of inspiring and connecting. Speakers and attendees come from all over, and, of course, Fargo. This year’s theme was Forward, and was the conclusion to a three-part series (or trilogy).
For more information on TEDxFargo, you can visit their website!
Office Sign Company Involvement
If you attended the event, you may have seen some of our contributions, maybe even some of our employees! Our most visible contribution to this year’s event was the vinyl window graphics which we produced and installed earlier this week. We also provided volunteer T-shirts, the photo booth backdrop (which can be seen in our photo below), and various other signage. While the most important part is the speakers and the community, it is still very fulfilling to be contributing to such and impactful and amazing event.
Find Custom Vinyl Wall Wraps here!
Lastly, we got a chance to attend TEDxFargo, and while not everyone could go, the one’s who did had a fantastic time. Here are some quotes, direct from a few of our attendees, on what they love about TEDxFargo:
Katy (Middle-Right): “What a great experience to be a part of, the community coming together to teach, grow and share life experiences. A total of twenty-seven speakers, life coaches, adventures and entertainers to enjoy, it was hard to define which one was my favorite.”
LD (Top-Middle): “I loved hearing more from the heroes of the FM area and North Dakota – I’m proud to be from here!”
Nick (Bottom Right): “TEDx was a great way to get informed about a variety of topics I wouldn’t of known about before, and a great way of bringing parts of the community together.”
Written by: Jack “Mac” Machacek
Contact: jackm@officesigncompany.com