Meet Our Quality Control Squad
Our staff consists of 41 full-time employees, one rockstar intern, a few pups here and there, and two locations made up of several departments. This week, we’re focusing on the doers and the makers of the operation: our Production Headquarters! It’s Production Appreciation Week, and we’re excited to show off this stellar squad.
These individuals are some of the most creative brains in the industry. They create, they build, they provide solutions, add to our culture daily, and they take part in “bring-your-dog-to-work” days. Simply put: Office Sign Company wouldn’t be where we are today without all they bring to the table.
Throughout the week, we will be highlighting a different department at our Production Facility. Today, we present to you the Quality Control Squad! These individuals get ship done. This team consists of our shipping department (Marc and Scott), our Inventory Specialist and One-Man-Band (Jim), and our fast and friendly Assembly team! Together, they make up our Quality Control. They ensure your products are shipped to you in immaculate condition, on time, and blemish-free.Assembly and Inventory
The team pictured below not only ensures that quality (one of our core values) is evident in each order, but they look over every order placed, every day. We field hundreds of orders placed daily, and each one of those signs has to pass the “hawk eyes” inspection team before it’s shipped to your door.
Pictured from left to right: Jenny, Rod, Shelbey, Jim and Rachel |
Each order is made to order. With that, the customization of each order is a bit different. Our Quality Control team looks through that invoice with a fine-tooth comb. They ensure the corners of your sign are rounded, the font is Helvetica rather than Gotham, the thickness is 1/4” rather than 1/8”, and if they notice an imperfection, it’s quickly reproduced before it’s sent to you in tip-top condition. Impressive, right? Enjoy a fun fact about each member of our Assembly team below, and find their full bio in the links provided! |
View her full bio here! |
Miss Jenny is one of many creative artists at our facility! Her primary method of Art is Screen Printing. Her Instagram account will give you an idea of how talented she is – give her a follow! She also has a Boston Terrier named Kanye and a French Bulldog/Boston Terrier mix named Jay-Z. Jenny is new to the block, but her contributions are far from minimal! |
View Rod’s full bio here! |
Rod Monk, pictured above, is an all-star member of OSC. Not only does he help push orders out the door in an effective manner, but he’s the most patient teacher you’ll meet. If ever there is a question, Rod’s happy to answer and lend a hand. Fun fact about Rod: he’s originally from San Diego! He said is favorite sports team was the San Diego Chargers, but since they moved away, “I guess it’s the Philadelphia Eagles because Carson Wentz plays for them.” Thanks for being a light, Rod!
Read Shelbey’s full bio here! |
Meet Shelbey! She has been a crucial team player at OSC – she started in Customer Service before moving to Assembly, and is now our Quality Control and Fulfillment Manager! Shelbey is what we know as a regular Lady Boss, and she makes OSC a better place simply with her presence. Fun fact about Shelbey: she made “bring-your-dog-to-work day” a weekly celebration at our Production Headquarters, and she has a love of coffee deeper than the ocean. Seriously, test her on coffee. She’ll know the answer.
Read Rachel’s full bio here! |
Rachel is another artistic wonder at our Headquarters, and her keen eye has set the standard for OSC. She’s an Office Sign Company vet, and I speak on behalf of the company when I say we are fortunate to have her on our team. I’d go on, but Rachel says it:
“Develop an eye for detail and learn how to communicate effectively. When you work in quality control, sometimes you have to be the bad guy and let people know when they aren’t meeting certain standards, but if you can communicate that without judgment and with a positive attitude, it becomes easier for everyone involved.”
Our Assembly crew takes orders like the name badges above, and goes through each individual name, color, title, font, and material to ensure that your order is 110%; we appreciate your diligence, care, and standards, QC team! Thank you for bettering our company!
Read Jim’s full bio here! |
A subdivision of our Quality Control team is the original One-Man-Band: Jim Elstrom! Jim handles the entire inventory for Office Sign Company. That being said, he also manages the inventory for our sister companies. These companies include Medical Office Signs, Wholesale Office Signs, and Fargo Trophy. Jim, to put it short and sweet, stays busy.
Without Jim’s thorough inventory tracking, everything at our Production Headquarters would be delayed. We would need to have the disheartening conversations with customers to let them know that it will actually be 5-10 business days for their order because we’re out of stock. Jim ensures that those conversations are held to a minimum. His communication skills are held to the highest regard around here, and we can honestly say this One-Man-Band helps to keep us afloat.
The last step in our fabrication lies in the hands of these two! Notable fact about these gentlemen? They clear out their queue daily! Once each item is assembled to perfection, Marc and Scott take it over to ship all over the city, state, country, and even ship them internationally. They are quick to send our Customer Service team any shipping quotes requested, they greet everyone who enters with a smile and a friendly “hello,” and they’ll even push your car out of a snow pile if you’re stuck. (Thanks for that, guys – you know who you are.)
Pictured from left to right: Scott and Marc |
Marc: Mr. “Get Ship Done”
Meet Marc – the 2018 recipient for the “Get Ship Done” award. Marc will be celebrating his 9th year with us at OSC! He’s a valued vet here, and arguably our company’s biggest Bison fan. His kind demeanor welcomes all newcomers and guests, and he’s a fine representative of our “service” value. Fun fact about Marc? He’s trained his dog Katie to absolutely melt your heart. We’re grateful to work with a knowledgeable, helpful guy like him!  |
Find Scott’s full bio here! |
Last but certainly not least of our Quality Control team is Scott. Scott wears a visor. Scott is also certified to save your life. Henceforth, meet Scott – our Safety Ad-Visor. Scott contributes his humor, work ethic, and knowledge of business to continually better OSC. When asked if Scott could elaborate more on his “Shipping Guy” position, he responded with, “First rule of shipping – we don’t talk about shipping.”
In short, it takes all of our departments to run a well-oiled operation. Our Quality Control team is a crucial part of that equation, and we have the utmost appreciation for all they do for our company, our culture, and our coworkers. A special thank you goes out to Shelbey, Jenny, Rachel, Rod, Scott, Marc and Jim for your invaluable contributions to Office Sign Company. We appreciate you!
To learn more about Office Sign Company’s careers and services, visit the links provided! Our Production personnel is sure to tackle any project you present to them, and we’re happy to do so! Your custom project order may even turn into a product listing in due time. Cheers!